Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29, 2017

Happy 90th birthday to Holy Child Academy!  We had so much fun celebrating with the rest of the school at lunch yesterday! The 8th grade students ate lunch with us at our tables.  Since it was Addie's birthday yesterday as well, Miss Wood asked her to help blow out the candles after we all sang "Happy Birthday" to HCA!

This week, the students have been very busy with their Montessori work. The Montessori work cycle involves choosing a work, taking the work to a rug/table, completing the work, asking a teacher to check it, and returning it to the shelf. Then, the cycle begins again. Currently, the students are able to work for approximately an hour to and hour and 15 minutes. This work period will increase to two and half to three hours as the year progresses. Check out our Flipagram to see all the amazing lessons they have been working on!

Our snack table has been going so well this week!  The children are thriving with their new found independence.  This could be a great way to encourage independence at home as well.  Invite your child to choose his/her snack and prepare it on their own. We had a great time celebrating Nolan and Addie's birthdays at snack with munchkins.  Special thanks to Kevin and Alexa's mom for sending in a special snack for us as well!

Thank you to everyone who sent in a family picture for Show and Tell on Wednesday.  We loved hearing about each child's family and the boys and girls loved counting family members.  For Wednesday, October 4, the topic for Show and Tell will be "Something that begins with S."  Have your child find an object that begins with the /s/ sound. Place that item in a bag and help your child prepare 3 clues to help their classmates guess what the object is. For example, your child could bring in a sock with clues such as: you wear it on your foot, it belongs to a pair, and they come in all different colors. The boys and girls always love listening to the clues and trying to guess what the objects could be. Please remind them to keep it a secret - half the fun is the excitement that comes with guessing!

Some things to work on at home with your child:

  • Recognizing and spelling his/her name.
  • Tasks to foster independence: getting dressed, choosing clothes for school, carrying his/her own backpack, cleaning up, setting the table, helping with chores, etc.
  • Letter sounds (The students can name the letters and we are working to help them learn the sounds.  This is the first step to teach them to read.)

Have a great weekend!