Friday, February 1, 2019

January 28 - February 1, 2019

This week in science, we learned all about germs!

The boys and girls learned that germs are everywhere. They are very tiny and very hard to see. Germs can make people sick.

But don't worry - the Pre-K students also learned ways to help keep the germs away:

You can sneeze into your elbow, instead of sneezing into your hands.

You can wipe your nose with a tissue.

You can wash your hands. Soap is a great germ fighter! We learned that we should wash our hands for at least 20 seconds - or as long as it takes us to sing the Alphabet Song!

You can use some hand sanitizer.

You can rest. If germs make you sick, your body needs to rest so it can feel better.

We even did a fun science experiment for the students to see what germs do and how soap helps keep them away. First, we filled a bowl with some water to represent any surface. Then, we added some pepper to represent the germs.

We found out what happens when we touch something that has germs - the germs stick to us! As the students said, "Eww, gross!"

Then, we watched the magic happen and saw just how powerful soap is against germs! I added a drop of Dawn dish soap to my finger and touched it to the germs  - watch what happened:

The boys and girls were amazed at how the soap pushed all the "germs" away. They are eager to try this experiment with you at home!

Some reminders:
  • Please remember to send in cans of soup for our Soup-er Bowl Challenge! Cans will be collected through February 8.
  • Friday, February 8 is Parent Visitation Day. The boys and girls are looking forward to spending the morning with you at school and showing you what they are learning. Please be sure to RSVP who is attending.
  • There is no school for students on Friday, February 15, and Monday, February 18, for the Presidents' Day holiday weekend. 
  • The HCA Auction is on Saturday, February 23. Get your tickets here. It is sure to be a wonderful night raising funds and celebrating the HCA community!

Have a great weekend!