Friday, October 4, 2019

September 30 - October 4, 2019

We are working so hard on our Montessori lessons!

Lucas is working with the Number Rods and Cards to show
quantities and order numerals from 1 to 10.

Harper is building the Pink Tower from
largest to smallest.

Panos is using the Cards and Counters to order numerals
and show quantities for 1 to 10. 

Chase is using the Oak Leaf puzzle to grade
from smallest to largest.

Asai is using the Spindle Box to show
quantities from 0 to 9.

CJ is using Color Box 2 to sort picture cards
by color.

Kaleo is using the Red Rods to grade by size from
smallest to largest.

Braden is using the BFOG Letter Box to sort
picture cards by their initial sounds. 

Grace is using the Geometric Solids to sort objects by
their shapes: cone, cylinder, cube, and sphere.

Sydney is strengthening her fine motor skills by spooning.

Mason is using the Sandpaper Letters
to practice letter sounds.

Georgie is practicing tweezing to strengthen his pincer grip.

Jennah is using the Brown Stair to grade by width and height.

Maya is practicing her lacing skills.

Caroline is proud of her work with the SMAT letter box
where she sorted picture cards by their initial sounds.

Peyton is working with the Maple Leaf puzzle
to grade from smallest to largest.

This week, we had a very special surprise! Braden's cousin, Nick Hague, is a NASA astronaut currently finishing up his mission on the International Space Station. We were able to watch a live feed from space!

We saw firsthand what zero gravity is like when Astronaut Nick did a flip in mid-air!  The boys and girls were AMAZED!

Looking ahead:
  • Monday, October 7 - Show and Tell /s/
    • Please help your child choose an object that begins with /s/ and be prepared to share three clues to help his/her classmates guess what it is.
  • Wednesday, October 9 - Class pictures 
    • Don't forget to have your child wear his/her HCA Class of 2029 t-shirt!
  • Thursday, October 10 - Individual pictures
    • Free dress
    • Please make sure to return your child's picture envelope on or before Thursday.
  • Monday, October 14 - NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
  • Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Mission Party 
    • More information will be sent home soon!
    • Dismissal for all students will be at 12:00 noon.
  • Friday, November 1 - NO SCHOOL for Faculty In-service
  • Be sure to follow us on Instagram @hcadrexelhillec!

As you may have read about in a previous blog post, the students are really enjoying saying good morning in their own way before they come into the classroom each day. We definitely have a class of Eagles fans this year - they insisted that I put up an Eagles logo so they could "fly" into the room in the morning. The Eagles would be proud!  Fly, Eagles, Fly!

Have a great weekend!