Friday, March 13, 2020

March 9-13, 2020

Show and Tell is always a favorite time for the Pre-K students!

It is a great social time for the children, as well as a wonderful opportunity for them to practice their letter sounds and public speaking skills. This week's topic was something that starts with /w/. Listen to how well they give their clues and guess what object they chose to share. 

Sink or Float?

This week, the Pre-K and Kindergarten students worked together in science class. First, we watched a video teaching about things that sink and things that float and how density affects that. You can view the video here

Next, we did our own experiment to test whether certain objects around the classroom sank or floated. We made a guess, or hypothesis, based on what we already knew about the object. Then, we tested each object by placing it in water and observed what happened.

Finally, the students worked with a partner to complete a worksheet to summarize their findings.

It was another great science class with our Kindergarten friends!

Frozen Jr.

We enjoyed a wonderful performance of Frozen Jr.! Congratulations to the cast and crew for a phenomenal show!

As you have heard, based on the recommendations of local and state health care professionals, HCA will be closing today. Students will be coming home with instructional packets today and I will be emailing you more information for distance learning to begin on Tuesday, March 17. We will observe spring break the week of March 23-27. We hope to return on March 30. Please be sure to check the website and your email for more information if plans need to change.

Stay safe and healthy!