Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017

What a busy week in Pre-K!

On Tuesday, while we were outside playing, the boys and girls had a great time watching the dumpster truck across the street.  They were amazed to see the truck pick up the dumpster. They waved to the driver (Truck Driver Mike!) and laughed as he pulled the horn.

On Wednesday, we joined students in Kindergarten through Third Grade for "Tooth Buddy Tales!"  The puppet show taught the children about dental hygiene and the importance of choosing healthy snacks.  You may have heard your child singing the "Tooth Buddy" song: "If it's sticky and sweet, it's a yucky treat, but healthy food is a power treat!"

Show and Tell was a success again!  We had so many different things that began with the /m/ sound.  The boys and girls are getting more excited to guess each other's objects.  They are retaining the sounds we are focusing on each week and naming other objects that begin with those sounds as well.  Everyone especially enjoyed Nolan's show and tell- he brought in munchkins to share with his classmates!

The Pre-K students are working so hard on their Montessori lessons! We begin our work period each day with the students finding the work we have selected for them to start with and then they select the next lessons they would like to practice or learn.  Some topics we have been focusing on are: letter sounds, pre-reading skills, numerals, number quantities, size relationships, shapes, colors, and practical life activities to strengthen our fine motor skills.

Caleb is working with the Sandpaper Letters to practice
the letter sounds.

Kent completed the Hundred Board!  He ordered numbers
from 1 to 100 and is now practicing writing the numerals.

Tristan is practicing cutting to strengthen his fine motor skills.

Priya is working with Color Box 3 to grade 
colors from darkest to lightest.

Since the first day, we have been counting the days of school! Can you believe it's day 27 already? We are using the Golden Bead Material to show the number quantities and the children are learning to name numbers as combinations of tens and units (ex.: 27 has 2 tens and 7 units).

Some reminders:
  • Scholastic Book Club orders are due on Tuesday, October 17.
  • Class pictures are on Tuesday, October 17.
  • Show and Tell for Wednesday, October 18, will be "something that begins with T."
  • We are still collecting large Tropicana brand orange juice lids and milk jug lids for our alphabet game.  Thanks in advance!
Things to do at home:
  • Practicing letter sounds
  • Writing first names - first letter is capital, rest are lowercase
  • Counting from 1 to 20
Have a great weekend!