Thursday, December 10, 2020

December 7-11, 2020

Pajama Day

Last Friday, we had a great time wearing our pajamas to school and raising funds for the children at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Write the Room

On Friday, the boys and girls were also introduced to a new lesson called "Write the Room." Hidden around the room are a variety of pictures, each labeled with the word that goes with them. The children are tasked to find the picture in the room, match it to the picture on their worksheet, and then record the correct spelling of each word onto their worksheet. THEY LOVE IT! Ever since the introduction, they have asked to do it everyday!

"Writing the Room" has so many benefits:
  • It's not just another worksheet! Unlike a typical worksheet when students have to sit at their tables, this gives students the opportunity to move around the room to search for the words they need to record.
  • It is a great activity to practice handwriting skills without making the children trace and write the same letter multiple times on a page.
  • It develops beginning letter and sound recognition.
  • It helps build vocabulary.
  • And so much more!

Look at their concentration:

St. Nicholas Day

On Monday, we celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas. We left one of our shoes out for St. Nicholas - and were so excited when we discovered what he left us in our shoes!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas Nativity

The Pre-K angels have been doing a phenomenal job at all our practices for the Christmas Nativity. We will have the finished video to you next week. I am so proud of these angels!

Important news:
  • We will have show and tell on Thursday, December 17. The topic will be "Christmas/Winter."
  • Friday, December 18 is a half day. Dismissal is at 12:00 noon - there will be no lunch and no HCA Plus.
  • Christmas break will be from December 21 through January 4. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. It will be day 6 on January 5. 
  • Looking ahead: school picture day will be on Wednesday, January 27. More information will be sent home in the new year.

Have a great weekend!