Thursday, November 18, 2021

November 15-19, 2021

 Montessori Work Time

On Monday, Pre-K and Nursery 3 students partnered up for Montessori Work Time. The older children gave the younger students a lesson on some simple materials in the Pre-K classroom. We can't wait to work together again on some more challenging lessons.


At this age, all children should be able to put on their jackets independently. If you child is still working on this, here are two ways that we use in school to teach them to do it on their own:


Have your child put their hood on their head and wear the coat like a superhero cape. 

Then, they can 
slide their arms in the sleeves and they are ready to go! Click here to see the superhero move in action!

Tag to Toes!

Place your child's coat on the floor with the tag facing their toes. 

Have them put their arms in the sleeves and flip the coat over their head. Click here to see the tag to toes method in action!

The next step is to work on zippering coats independently. Please practice at home! The children are eager to learn this next step!


During Science class, Mrs. DeBardino had the students use a balance scale.  Using 10 corn kernels, they made predictions on which would be heavier, the 10 corn kernels or the items listed on our observation sheet.  Each student had a turn placing an object on the scale.  Next, the students had to "record" their results on the worksheet by coloring in the object that was heavier.  The PK students did a fantastic job!

Some Reminders

  • November 23rd will be a day 0. There will be a NOON Dismissal and no HCA Plus.
  • There will be no school from November 24-28 for Thanksgiving break. Classes resume on Monday, November 29th.
  • Save the date for the Family Christmas Liturgy on Sunday, December 12 at 1:30 pm.
  • On Thursday, December 16th, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 3rd and 4th Grades will present the Christmas Show Gala for the parents only at 10:00 AM. More information will follow!
  • Looking ahead - The last day of school before Christmas break is Friday, December 17. It is a half day with dismissal at 12:00 noon and no HCA Plus. Christmas break runs from December 18 through January 3. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Have a great weekend!

Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

November 8-12, 2021

HCA Families 

On Wednesday, we met our HCA Families for the first time! We were thrilled to be able to bring back this tradition this year. Each family is comprised of students from early childhood, lower school, and middle school, with the middle school students as the leaders of the families. The children participated in a getting to you know activity and then made flags to represent their family which will be on display in school. Throughout the year, we will meet with our families to do a variety of activities together. This is such a wonderful community building activity for all the students and it is heartwarming to see the relationships that develop between the older and younger students.

Fine Motor Skills

Strengthening a child's fine motor skills is an integral piece of their development. Fine motor skill development not only helps refine a child's pincer grasp for writing, but also helps promote self-esteem and independence in a child's daily life. The Practical Life lessons in the classroom allow the children the opportunity to refine these skills on a daily basis - and the students love working with them!

Some Reminders

  • Show and tell will be on Friday, November 19. The topic will be something that starts with /a/.
  • Help us support needy families in our community by contributing to the Thanksgiving food drive. More information can be found in Happenings and the sign up link is here.
  • Looking ahead - there will be a 12:00 noon dismissal on Tuesday, November 23 and there will be no HCA Plus. Thanksgiving break runs from Wednesday, November 24 through Sunday, November 28. Classes will resume on Monday, November 29. 
  • Save the date for the Family Christmas Liturgy on Sunday, December 12 at 1:30 pm. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

November 1-5, 2021

 Mission Party

The Pre-K students had a great time celebrating Halloween and having tons of fun at the Halloween Mission Party. Thank you to the Parents' Association and Mrs. Mossor for all you did to make the day so special for our kids!

Drive for the Troops

A huge thank you to all our families who contributed to our drive for the troops. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to collect over 2,200 items to send to our troops stationed overseas. The Pre-K and Kindergarten students came together to sort and count everything that was collected and to make cards for the troops as well.

Some Reminders

  • Show and tell will be on Wednesday, November 10. The topic will be something that starts with the /m/ sound.
  • To honor our veterans, Student Council is selling American flags.  Please see the form in Happenings to purchase a flag for your veteran.
  • Looking ahead - there will be a 12:00 noon dismissal on Tuesday, November 23 and there will be no HCA Plus. Thanksgiving break runs from Wednesday, November 24 through Sunday, November 28. Classes will resume on Monday, November 29. 

Have a great weekend!