Friday, October 11, 2024

October 7-11, 2024

On Monday in STEAM class, Mrs. Zwilling partnered the students together to work on their coding skills! Using the iPads, they worked in Kodable and programmed Fuzzy to help him get through the maze. Not only were the students learning the basics of coding, but they also learned how to collaborate, problem solve, and work together as a team.

In science class this week, we did a lava lamp experiment! The Pre-K students learned to observe, predict, and test their predictions. We started off by putting some water in a glass vase and then added some food coloring to it.

Next, we made some predictions on what would happen if we added oil to the water. Some students said it would mix together, while some predicted the two liquids would not mix. We tested our theories and discovered that the oil did not mix with the water, nor did it turn green like the water did. We learned that this was because oil is less dense than water which makes it float on top of the water.

Finally, it was time for the "lava lamp" fun! We added half of an Alka Seltzer tablet to the mix. The students observe the bubbles that formed in the water from the Alka Selzter and then watched in awe as the bubbles reached the oil, causing the lava lamp effect.

The students had so many great questions throughout this experiment and asked to try so many different things. It was so fun to extend the lesson because of their curiosity!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Tuesday-Wednesday: regular uniforms
Thursday-Friday: gym uniforms

Don't forget to sign up for parent/teacher conferences if you have not already done so by clicking here!

Have a cool weekend!

Friday, October 4, 2024

September 30 - October 4, 2024

 Thank you!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who were able to join us for our annual EC family service project! Because of your generosity, we were able to make 176 snack bags to donate to Nutritional Development Services to provide after school snacks for children in Philadelphia. When we did our post-service reflection, the children shared they were so proud of themselves and felt happy that they could help others. 

Blessing of the Animals

Happy feast of St. Francis of Assisi! We gathered as a school community to celebrate this special day and bless all of our pets!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:

  • Friday, October 11 - something that begins with the /m/ sound
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday: regular uniforms
Tuesday-Friday: gym uniforms

What's better than sneakers that match the
Pre-K classroom? Two pairs of sneakers
 that match the Pre-K classroom!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 27, 2024

September 23-27, 2024

Did you know that there are dinosaur bones buried here at HCA? Don't worry, we didn't either, but just ask your children and they can tell you all about it! We have budding archaeologists in Pre-K!

In P.E. class this week, Miss Mann worked with the Pre-K students on balance. Learning how to balance properly is a vital gross motor skill that forms the foundation for many other movement activities. Look at the concentration on their faces!

Hispanic Heritage Month

We celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month with our friends in Kindergarten. After learning about what a culture was, we examined the globe and discovered that Central and South America are home to many Hispanic families. We listened to a beautiful story called Dreamers by Yuyi Morales, that tells her own story of when she and her some immigrated to the United States. We sang and danced along to "Don Alfredo Baila:"

We even learned to dance the Bachata from Miss Diana from the Miami Children's Museum. Try it at home with your child!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:

  • Friday, October 4 - something that begins with the /s/ sound
  • Friday, October 11 - something that begins with the /m/ sound
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday-Thursday: gym uniforms
Friday: regular uniforms

Friday, September 20, 2024

September 16-20, 2024


The Pre-K students have been busy being artists this week! We are so lucky to have art class in the art room with Mrs. Mueller AND EC art with Miss Webb. 

In art class with Mrs. Mueller this week, the children created self-portraits. They learned that a portrait is a picture of a person and a self-portrait is a picture of yourself. They were able to choose their skin color, clothing, and hair color and then added some extra artistry of their own. Look at these mini-masterpieces that are now proudly displayed in our hallway!

In Miss Webb's art class, the students have been learning about mosaics. They know that they can create a mosaic by making a picture by taking small pieces of paper and gluing them into a pattern. They also learned that there are "shades" of colors and we can sort them from darkest to lightest. The class made both a Pre-K mosaic and a HCA mosaic that are hanging in our classroom. Stay tuned for the class of 2034 mosaic!

Thank you for helping prepare the children for show and tell today! They did a fantastic job presenting and sharing their favorite things!

On Friday, September 27, the topic for show and tell will be "my family." Please send you child in with a photo (or a drawing) of your immediate family to share with the class. Help your child prepare to name each family member and share one thing you like to do together.

Beginning in October, please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess  the show and tell topics will be:
  • Friday, October 4 - something that begins with the /s/ sound
  • Friday, October 11 - something that begins with the /m/ sound
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Nature Space exploration

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: gym uniforms
Thursday, Friday: regular uniforms