Friday, October 25, 2024

October 21-25, 2024


Pre-K has been getting ready for Halloween - and they are SO excited!

We made our own monsters with Miss Webb in art class! She gave us the pieces and we built our monsters. Check out our creations!

In music class, the Pre-K students are learning about the concept of keeping the beat in a song and the concept of what it means to "rest" in music. Listen to them play along to "The Addams Family!"

We just finished our second directed drawing of the year! Directed drawing is a fun, step-by-step way for students to create art with a bit of guidance. As I lead them through each line and mark, students learn to follow directions while boosting their creativity. Plus, it’s great for building fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they make careful, precise movements.

The boys and girls drew Franken-buddies and even surprised themselves with their amazing work!

This is one of our favorite activities to do with the Pre-K students. Directed drawings also help build self-confidence when the children see they really can do something if they just try. Stay tuned to see their creativity blossom throughout the year!

Show and tell today was full of giggles as the students shared their clues for the Halloween objects they chose to share. Thank you for preparing them so well for show and tell each week. They really are doing a phenomenal job!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:
  • Friday, November 1 and Friday, November 8 - no school
  • Friday, November 15 - something that begins with /c/ (think of the hard /c/ sound like in carrot, not the soft /c/ sound as in Cinderella
  • Friday, November 22 - something that begins with /r/
  • Friday, November  29 - no school

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday: gym uniforms
Tuesday: outfit of your choice with sneakers (Picture Day)
Wednesday: gym uniforms
Thursday: Halloween costumes with sneakers

Friday, October 18, 2024

October 14-18, 2024

 Mission Week!

This week at Holy Child, we celebrated the founding of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus by Cornelia Connelly. The Sisters began the Holy Child schools 178 years ago! We remember our joint mission and the seven goals which unite all our schools.

We began our celebration on Tuesday morning with our Founders Day prayer service and Service Commissioning. At HCA, each grade is assigned a service partner to work with throughout the year. The Pre-K and Kindergarten students are the "School Drive Coordinators" so stay tuned to help us help those in need.

Thanks to Emmy in Kindergarten and Aubrie
 in Pre-K for accepting our plaques
at the prayer service.

We started today off with a pep rally to celebrate our HCA community and all our athletic teams. From Soccer Shots, to cross country, to volleyball, and flag football, the teachers and students cheered on our amazing athletes!

On Founders Day, Cornelia Connelly would give the Sisters the day off from teaching and the older students would teach the younger students their lessons. Today, we culminated Mission Week just like Cornelia Connelly did with the Sisters. The 5th grade students are our buddy class and they came to our classroom during our Montessori work time to help the students with their lessons (don't worry, the teachers didn't take the day off). Friendships were formed and the students are already asking when we can get together again!

We ended the day with a school wide picnic lunch and a delicious popsicle treat from Dr. Kellich! 

It was a wonderful week to remind us how special our community is and how lucky we are to be a part of it!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday-Tuesday: gym uniforms
Wednesday-Thursday: regular uniforms
Friday: gym uniforms 

Don't forget to sign up for parent/teacher conferences if you have not already done so by clicking here!

Friday, October 11, 2024

October 7-11, 2024

On Monday in STEAM class, Mrs. Zwilling partnered the students together to work on their coding skills! Using the iPads, they worked in Kodable and programmed Fuzzy to help him get through the maze. Not only were the students learning the basics of coding, but they also learned how to collaborate, problem solve, and work together as a team.

In science class this week, we did a lava lamp experiment! The Pre-K students learned to observe, predict, and test their predictions. We started off by putting some water in a glass vase and then added some food coloring to it.

Next, we made some predictions on what would happen if we added oil to the water. Some students said it would mix together, while some predicted the two liquids would not mix. We tested our theories and discovered that the oil did not mix with the water, nor did it turn green like the water did. We learned that this was because oil is less dense than water which makes it float on top of the water.

Finally, it was time for the "lava lamp" fun! We added half of an Alka Seltzer tablet to the mix. The students observe the bubbles that formed in the water from the Alka Selzter and then watched in awe as the bubbles reached the oil, causing the lava lamp effect.

The students had so many great questions throughout this experiment and asked to try so many different things. It was so fun to extend the lesson because of their curiosity!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Tuesday-Wednesday: regular uniforms
Thursday-Friday: gym uniforms

Don't forget to sign up for parent/teacher conferences if you have not already done so by clicking here!

Have a cool weekend!

Friday, October 4, 2024

September 30 - October 4, 2024

 Thank you!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who were able to join us for our annual EC family service project! Because of your generosity, we were able to make 176 snack bags to donate to Nutritional Development Services to provide after school snacks for children in Philadelphia. When we did our post-service reflection, the children shared they were so proud of themselves and felt happy that they could help others. 

Blessing of the Animals

Happy feast of St. Francis of Assisi! We gathered as a school community to celebrate this special day and bless all of our pets!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for October are:

  • Friday, October 11 - something that begins with the /m/ sound
  • Friday, October 18 - something the begins with the /t/ sound
  • Friday, October 25 - something to do with fall or Halloween

Uniform Schedule for Next Week:

Monday: regular uniforms
Tuesday-Friday: gym uniforms

What's better than sneakers that match the
Pre-K classroom? Two pairs of sneakers
 that match the Pre-K classroom!

Have a great weekend!