Friday, March 7, 2025

March 3-7, 2025

 Show and Tell

This year, show and tell has been a fantastic way for the students to not only practice their public speaking skills, but to gain a better understanding of letter sounds. Learning letter sounds is like learning the basic building blocks of reading and writing, which helps children become strong readers and writers as they grow. Practicing letter names and letter sounds daily will be so beneficial for the children as they prepare for kindergarten in the fall.

Check out all the things the children shared for the /d/ sound!

We are looking forward to sharing about the Pre-K students progress at parent/teacher conferences on Thursday, March 20, and Friday, March 21. If you have not already signed up for a time, please do so here

Our Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 7th graders have organized a snack drive that will run from Monday, March 10 - Monday, March 17. We are collecting non-perishable snacks to give to Murphy's Giving Market, a local food pantry and volunteer organization. A decorated pink box is currently sitting at the front (Shadeland Ave) entrance. Please feel free to drop off any non-perishable snacks there any time you happen to be at Holy Child. If you have any questions, please email

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for March:
  • Friday, March 14: something that begins with /w/
  • Friday, March 21: NO SCHOOL - conferences

Uniform Schedule for March 10-14

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday: gym uniforms
Thursday-Friday: regular uniforms

Friday, February 21, 2025

February 17-21, 2025


Happy 100th day of school!

It's so hard to believe that we have been in school for 101 days already. The boys and girls were so excited to celebrate our 100th day yesterday. We gathered with our kindergarten friends to count, sing, dance, and share the AMAZING projects everyone created!

Aubrie's 100 days of blooming

Jack's 100 vehicles

Gianni's 100 stars

Fiona's 100 EC friends and teachers

Seth's kitty in a forest of 100 gems

Francesca's 100 beads (with lots of glitter!)

Ace's 100 kids at HCA

Evelyn's 100 eyed monster

Maya's 100 beads

Cal's 100 gems

Enzo's 100 eyed monster

Munkar's 100 beads

Sophia's 100 eyes

Miles' 100 pom-poms

A huge thank you to the parents for all your help with the children's projects. We were amazed by your creativity! The students were so excited to share their creations with the class and the projects are now proudly displayed in the hallway for everyone to see.

Happy 5th birthday to Callahan!
We celebrated with the
"most delicious" pretzels ever! 

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for February:
  • Friday, February 28: something that begins with /l/

Uniform Schedule for February 24-28

Monday: gym uniforms
Tuesday-Wednesday: regular uniforms
Thursday-Friday: gym uniforms

Thursday, February 13, 2025

February 10-14, 2025

We were feeling the love at HCA this week getting ready for Valentine's Day!

Make a New Friend Day!

Something that we love to do every once in awhile in Pre-K is what we call "Make a New Friend Day!" At this age, children tend to gravitate towards the same people all the time and we like to encourage them to make new friends as well. This encourages the students to step out of their comfort zone and spend some time with another classmate that they don't usually play with. The students grow to love this activity and we love to watch new friendships blossom!

This week's 2 hour delay day was the perfect day for a "Make a New Friend Day!"

Silly gooses - Sophia and Jack!

Miles and Munkar love to build!

Evelyn and her "boys," Ace and Cal!

F is for Francesca and Fiona!

Showing the love in art class

In art class with Miss Webb this week, the students learned about Brazilian artist and painter, Romero Britto, and then created their own artwork in his style.

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for February:
  • Friday, February 21: something that begins with /j/
  • Friday, February 28: something that begins with /l/

Uniform Schedule for February 17-21

Tuesday: regular uniforms
Wednesday-Friday: gym uniforms

100th day of school projects are due by Tuesday, February 18!

Enjoy the long weekend!

Happy Valentine's Day! Congratulations to our SUPER BOWL CHAMPION Eagles!