Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018

We definitely took advantage of the nice weather outside this week. It was great to see the boys and girls having so much fun!

Thank you so much for coming and sharing in the Olympic Celebration with us!  

We are so grateful for your generosity in bringing in all the delicious food to share. We are EXTREMELY proud of all the boys and girls for their amazing performance!  What a special day it was!  

I bet you didn't know you lived with real Olympic athletes! This video will surely be enjoyed for years to come.  A big thank you to Mrs. Zwilling for all her help and hard work to make our idea become a reality!

  Thank you again for sharing in this wonderful day!

Some reminders:

  • Expect to see some changes in your child over the next week. They have been working so hard on the Olympic presentation and now "reality" will be returning. Their routines will be changing again and it may take them some time to adjust.
  • Can you believe next week is May? Looking ahead: There will be no school on Tuesday, May 15 (Election Day), and Friday, May 25 and Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day holiday weekend). The last day of school is on Wednesday, June 6.
  • We will have two more Scholastic orders this year. The first set of catalogs was sent home yesterday. The first due date will be on Thursday, May 3. The second set will be sent home later in May so we can ensure delivery before school gets out.
  • We will not have any more "Show and Tell" days this year. Thank you for all your help sending in items and helping your child prepare clues. The boys and girls had a great time sharing with their classmates and really improved their public speaking skills!

A big thank you to Mr. and Mrs. McHugh!  Their friend, and former CBS3 meteorologist, Paul Deanno, recently published a book and they got an autographed copy for every student in Pre-K. We read the story in class today and the boys and girls loved it! Mr. and Mrs. McHugh - thank you so much for thinking of all of us!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018

We have been working hard all week long practicing for our big Olympic Celebration next week! We can't wait for you to see the great job the children are doing. Keep practicing those lines every night!

This week, we have been treated to several "performances" by our friends in other grades. The boys and girls were a great audience every time!

Our 4th grade buddies came to read and act out
The Sign of the Seahorse.

Our Kindergarten friends invited us to their puppet show.
The Pre-K students were amazed at how well they could read
and can't wait to read like their friends next year!

Our friends in 1st grade acted out three fairy tales for the
students in  N2, N3, Pre-K, and Kindergarten.

In honor of Earth Day coming up, our Show and Tell this week was "something that you can recycle." We talked about recycling and why it helps the earth. The boys and girls loved guessing what their friends brought in to share.

Addie recycled a milk carton and made it
into an elephant!

Nolan made a video of how his family recycles.

We recycled everyone's show and tell items
after we shared them.

Since the colder, rainy weather has made yet another return, we have been having fun at recess time in the gym. Even the teachers have been getting in on the fun!

Some reminders:
  • Please refer to the email that was sent yesterday pertaining to reminders for the Olympic Celebration. Please make sure your child arrives on time for school, especially on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. 
  • There will be no Show and Tell next week because of the celebration.
  • Please remember to send in a spring change of clothes for your child. We will send home their current set when these arrive. 

Have a great weekend! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday morning!

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

Thank you to all those who were able to come in for Parent/Teacher Conferences. It was good to see you and we enjoyed being able to share your child's progress with you!

Young children often need to get up and move throughout the school day. Doing creative movement activities is a great way to allow the students this much needed time when we are in the classroom. We love to play Listen and Move to give the students a chance to get their "wiggles" out while working on their listening skills at the same time.

We learned about syllables in our Weekly Reader last week and now the students love "clapping out" syllables in each other's names and in familiar words. 

We have been so busy this week practicing for our big Olympic Celebration Day on Wednesday, April 25th! Don't forget to RSVP and sign up to bring a dish to share! The link to the Sign-Up Genius invite is here. Thanks in advance for your help and generosity! Everyone is looking forward to sampling dishes from around the world!

The boys and girls are working so hard on their lessons during the week. They love to learn new things and review what they have learned.

  • Please remember to send in a spring change of clothes for your child. We will send home their current set when these arrive.
  • Due to a scheduling conflict, we will be practicing for our Olympic Celebration first thing in the morning every day next week. Please try to make sure your child is on time for school each day!
  • Show and Tell next Wednesday will be "something that you can recycle." We will recycle these items in school for Earth Day!

We finally made it outside to play!

The children found a caterpillar and named
him Max. They built a home for him and
tried to feed him. ❤

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 6, 2018

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a wonderful break and a Happy Easter! Fingers crossed the warm, spring weather arrives soon!

We made flowers for our directed drawing activity
- hoping that we see them growing outside soon!

We are so excited to be preparing for our big Early Childhood/Kindergarten Celebration about the Olympics! Beginning next week, we will be practicing every morning for our big day! Please remember to send in a plain, white T-shirt that we will paint for your child to wear in the celebration by Tuesday, April 10th. Don't forget to RSVP and sign up to bring in a food to share here.

The boys and girls are back at work at their Montessori lessons! Every student is using a Movable Alphabet to work on a variety of skills such as:

 Filling in missing beginning, ending, and short vowel sounds

 Spelling phonetic words

Spelling words with consonant blends, vowel digraphs, and phonograms

And even writing sentences!

In a Montessori program, the emphasis is on writing before reading. The Movable Alphabet is a great tool in this process for students to use to identify separate sounds in a word and aid in sentence composition.

Some reminders:
  • Show and Tell on Wednesday, April 11, will be "something that grows."
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday evening, April 12, and Friday morning, April 13. Ms. Hough emailed out all the conference times. Please let me know if you did not receive yours.
  • Scholastic Reading Club orders will be due on Thursday, April 12. 
  • There is no school for students on Friday, April 13, due to conferences.

Have a great weekend!