Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 6, 2018

Welcome back! Hope everyone had a wonderful break and a Happy Easter! Fingers crossed the warm, spring weather arrives soon!

We made flowers for our directed drawing activity
- hoping that we see them growing outside soon!

We are so excited to be preparing for our big Early Childhood/Kindergarten Celebration about the Olympics! Beginning next week, we will be practicing every morning for our big day! Please remember to send in a plain, white T-shirt that we will paint for your child to wear in the celebration by Tuesday, April 10th. Don't forget to RSVP and sign up to bring in a food to share here.

The boys and girls are back at work at their Montessori lessons! Every student is using a Movable Alphabet to work on a variety of skills such as:

 Filling in missing beginning, ending, and short vowel sounds

 Spelling phonetic words

Spelling words with consonant blends, vowel digraphs, and phonograms

And even writing sentences!

In a Montessori program, the emphasis is on writing before reading. The Movable Alphabet is a great tool in this process for students to use to identify separate sounds in a word and aid in sentence composition.

Some reminders:
  • Show and Tell on Wednesday, April 11, will be "something that grows."
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday evening, April 12, and Friday morning, April 13. Ms. Hough emailed out all the conference times. Please let me know if you did not receive yours.
  • Scholastic Reading Club orders will be due on Thursday, April 12. 
  • There is no school for students on Friday, April 13, due to conferences.

Have a great weekend!