Sometimes, we give the students a whole group lesson on a material we will be using in the classroom. This week, it was time to introduce the Metal Insets - Miss Webb's favorite! The Metal Insets are one of the Montessori Language materials. They are designed as a direct preparation for handwriting and are used as an introduction to holding a pencil and making controlled marks on paper.
The students gathered with Miss Webb so she could demonstrate for them how to properly use the material. The boys and girls listened and watched intently to Miss Webb's directions!
The Pre-K students learned that the Metal Insets are a work that is used to practice writing, not coloring. They will trace the shape and then practice writing horizontal (left to right lines) as close together as possible. Eventually, students will use multiple shapes, draw horizontal and vertical lines, and create patterns. The Metal Insets are always a big hit in Pre-K so get ready to see lots of "shape papers" coming home!
As you know, Pre-K and Kindergarten did an amazing job leading the Camp Out for Hunger food drive. On Thursday, we all gathered together to sort the items that were collected. We broke down the items into various categories and the children did a spectacular job sorting them.
When we were finished, the students counted the totals for each section and determined what items we collected the most/least of. It was a wonderful math lesson and a great way to remind the students how much they gave to help others.
Looking ahead:
- Show and tell will be on Friday, December 6. The topic will be something to do with Christmas. This will be our last show and tell before the new year due to our Christmas show rehearsal schedule.
Important dates:
- Next week will be a very short week at HCA! Monday's schedule is normal, but we will have a half day on Tuesday with dismissal at 12:00 noon. Our Thanksgiving prayer service will be at 10:30 am if you are available to join us!
- There will be no school from Wednesday, November 27 - Sunday, December 1. Classes will resume on Monday, December 2.
- On Friday, December 6, we will be having a Bake Sale and Tag Day to support the American Cancer Society. Bake sale items will range from $0.50-1.00. Students may pay $1.00 and wear pink/white.
- Sunday, December 8, is the Family Christmas liturgy at 10:00 am.
- The Christmas Show will take place on Wednesday, December 18, at 6:00 pm. More information will be sent home after Thanksgiving break.
- Grandparents' Day is on Thursday, December 19. This is a special event for the students and their grandparents only. Invitations are in the mail!
- The last day of school before Christmas break is Friday, December 20. Classes resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.
Have you heard what the funniest word is for a Pre-K student?
It's "underwear!" We have shared so many laughs reading
Underwear, One Big Pair of Underwear, and
Underpants Wonderpants! |
Have a great weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!