We are working so hard on our Montessori lessons!
Lucas is working with the Number Rods and Cards to show quantities and order numerals from 1 to 10. |
Harper is building the Pink Tower from largest to smallest. |
Panos is using the Cards and Counters to order numerals and show quantities for 1 to 10. |
Chase is using the Oak Leaf puzzle to grade from smallest to largest. |
Asai is using the Spindle Box to show quantities from 0 to 9. |
CJ is using Color Box 2 to sort picture cards by color. |
Kaleo is using the Red Rods to grade by size from smallest to largest. |
Braden is using the BFOG Letter Box to sort picture cards by their initial sounds. |
Grace is using the Geometric Solids to sort objects by their shapes: cone, cylinder, cube, and sphere. |
Sydney is strengthening her fine motor skills by spooning. |
Mason is using the Sandpaper Letters to practice letter sounds. |
Georgie is practicing tweezing to strengthen his pincer grip. |
Jennah is using the Brown Stair to grade by width and height. |
Maya is practicing her lacing skills. |
Caroline is proud of her work with the SMAT letter box where she sorted picture cards by their initial sounds. |
Peyton is working with the Maple Leaf puzzle to grade from smallest to largest. |
This week, we had a very special surprise! Braden's cousin, Nick Hague, is a NASA astronaut currently finishing up his mission on the International Space Station. We were able to watch a live feed from space!
We saw firsthand what zero gravity is like when Astronaut Nick did a flip in mid-air! The boys and girls were AMAZED!
Looking ahead:
- Monday, October 7 - Show and Tell /s/
- Please help your child choose an object that begins with /s/ and be prepared to share three clues to help his/her classmates guess what it is.
- Wednesday, October 9 - Class pictures
- Don't forget to have your child wear his/her HCA Class of 2029 t-shirt!
- Thursday, October 10 - Individual pictures
- Free dress
- Please make sure to return your child's picture envelope on or before Thursday.
- Monday, October 14 - NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
- Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Mission Party
- More information will be sent home soon!
- Dismissal for all students will be at 12:00 noon.
- Friday, November 1 - NO SCHOOL for Faculty In-service
- Be sure to follow us on Instagram @hcadrexelhillec!
As you may have read about in a previous blog post, the students are really enjoying saying good morning in their own way before they come into the classroom each day. We definitely have a class of Eagles fans this year - they insisted that I put up an Eagles logo so they could "fly" into the room in the morning. The Eagles would be proud! Fly, Eagles, Fly!