Montessori Work Period
"The Montessori work period refers to the uninterrupted period of time made available for children to work with specific materials of their choice in the ways in which the materials were designed. A child might be working on his/her own, receiving a lesson from a teacher, or observing someone else work, but the child is always engaged in a constructive way."
In Pre-K, the children have two morning work periods and one afternoon work period. They have learned how to select a work from the shelf, bring the work to a table or work rug, complete the work, ask a teacher to check the work, return it to a shelf, and then select another work. This work cycle continues throughout the work period.
Work Rugs
Some Montessori "works" are meant to be used on a table, while others are meant to be used on a work rug. The Pre-K students have learned how to unroll and roll a work rug, They know how to carry it with two hands and pinch and roll to roll it up. They know to walk around classmates' work rugs, to sit next to their work rugs, and to place their materials on the work rug.
Practical Life lessons
Practical Life activities are an increasingly challenging series of motor tasks involving practical real-life goals, such as cleaning a table or washing a plate. In addition to helping children master everyday tasks, the aim of Practical Life activities is to develop a child's independence, body control and coordination of movement, concentration, and sense of order. These activities focus on providing children with healthy work habits, a strong character and attitude toward social relationships, and a love and respect for the environment.
Dmitri is using a pincer grasp to transfer leaves using tweezers. |
AJ is strengthening his ability to concentrate and focus using this pouring lesson. |
Teigen is strengthening her pincer grasp by using tongs to sort objects by color. |
Carina is developing her fine motor and problem solving skills using the bolt board. |
Kalea is practicing her lacing skills. |
Sensorial lessons
Montessori Sensorial education involves the refinement of the child's senses through the repeated manipulation of specifically designed materials. These materials isolate and provide concrete examples of abstract concepts that are perceived through the senses, such as dimension, form, color, texture, sound, and scent. Through Sensorial education, children are given the means of classifying and categorizing the world around them as well as developing concentration and sense of order.
Amelia worked with the Yellow Cylinders to grade by height and diameter. |
Vienna is working with the Tangram puzzles. |
Derek is using the Sound Cylinders to differentiate between sounds and match the same sounds. |
Johnny is using the Green Cylinders to grade by height and diameter. |
Gavin is using the Red Cylinders to grade by diameter. |
Hali is using the Pink Tower to build from largest to smallest. |
Basil is working with the Geometric Solids (sphere, cone, cube, cylinder) and sorting similar shapes. |
Connor is developing his problem- solving and fine motor skills by working with a puzzle. |
Months of the Year
Each morning after announcements and prayers, we begin our circle time activities with the calendar, day of the week, and weather. The boys and girls LOVE waking up with some exercising and singing along with Jack Hartman's "12 Months of the Year" song. Click here to watch the children move their bodies and sing the twelve months of the year!
Show and Tell
We will have our very first show and tell on Monday, September 27. Show and Tell will be on most day 2's of our schedule. I will let you know on the blog each week what our topic will be.
Our first topic for show and tell will be "my favorite thing." Please have your child choose an item to share with the class and keep it in his or her school bag. When it is their turn to share, each child will be asked to tell us what their favorite thing is and why they like it. Please help your child prepare this weekend.
Some Reminders
- Please pack at least two napkins a day for snack and lunch.
- Rest towels are sent home on Fridays. Please be sure to return them to school every Monday.
October Important Dates
More information coming soon!
- October 4 - Blessing of the Animals
- October 11 - NO SCHOOL (Faculty In-service Day)
- October 20-21 - EC Parent/Teacher Conferences in the evenings