The Pre-K and Nursery 3 students worked so hard this past week to prepare for our prayer service. Thank you for helping them practice at home as well. The video was played over the morning announcements on Wednesday for all the teachers and students to see. We are so proud of them!
Conferences will be held March 24th and 25th. Both in-person and zoom sessions will be offered. Please remember that conferences will last approximately 15 minutes each.
There will be no school for students on Friday, March 25th. Students will be off from March 25th through April 4th for spring break. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 5.
SPIRIT WEEK will be held next week. Please see the email that was sent home for more information.
This weekend, students in grades 4-8 will be performing in our spring musical A Disney Spectacular. Shows are at 7:30 pm on Friday, March 18, and Saturday, March 19. Tickets are $10.00 each. Tickets are available at the door.
Our week with the baby chicks was FANTASTIC! The Pre-K and Kindergarten students were excellent egg and chick tenders and worked so well together.
Quiver Farms
The farmer arrived from Quiver Farms on Wednesday, February 23, and taught us all about our 12 eggs and how to care for them. They had to stay in the incubator which was set to 99.5 degrees to keep them warm. We learned how to carefully turn them three times a day in hopes that they would hatch well!
We turned the eggs for the last time that Friday afternoon and now it was time to just be patient and wait for them to hatch!
Hatching Time
When we arrived at school on Monday morning, we found two eggs with tiny pip holes in them - the eggs were starting to hatch! The chicks took a long time to break through the eggs, but they finally hatched. The chicks were wet and exhausted. They needed to dry off and fluff up their feathers and then they started walking around the incubator. After two days, all 12 chicks hatched!
Once they were completely dry, we were able to able to move them to the brooder box. Mrs. DeBardino taught each chick where the food and water was by gently dipping their beaks in the food and water. Their instincts took over and they knew exactly what to do!
We loved when they all snuggled together to take a nap.
We had such a diverse hatch!
Play Time!
Once all the chicks had hatched and gotten used to their new home, it was time to play! We practiced how to pet the chicks (with two gentle fingers) and tried to be patient and let them come to us. The students (and the teachers!) loved being able to interact with the chicks for a few days before they went back to the farm.
Some of the teachers were a little braver than others!
Goodbye, chicks!
On Friday, March 4, it was time for the chicks to go back to the farm. While we loved having them as a part of our classroom, the students knew they would be much happier with all the other animals. We loved caring for them while they were here and had a great time working with our Kindergarten friends!
Reunited with their chick friends for the car ride back to the farm
Important Reminders:
Next weekend, students in grades 4-8 will be performing in our spring musical A Disney Spectacular. Shows are at 7:30 pm on Friday, March 18, and Saturday, March 19. Tickets are $10.00 each. You can purchase them online here through Tuesday, March 15, and they will be available at the door as well.
Please sign up for Parent/Teachers conferences that will be held on March 24 and 25. Click here to view the Sign Up Genius. Please indicate in the comment if you would like to have your conference in person or via Zoom.
Looking ahead - students will be off for spring break beginning on Friday, March 25 through Monday, April 4. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 5.