Friday, April 8, 2022

April 5-8, 2022

 Welcome Back!

Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing spring break! The children enjoyed sharing about all their adventures!

Show and Tell

Showing off our spring show and tells!

Work Time!

The Pre-K students jumped right back in to Montessori work time! They enjoyed exploring the new spring lessons on the shelves and practicing the traditional ones as well.

Derek started reading! He is sounding out three letter
phonetic words and matching them to the correct picture.

Hali is practicing her one-to-one 
correspondence for 11-15.

Basil is completing our "Count the Room" activity.

Dmitri is lacing beads. Look at that concentration!

Teigen is working on our "Write the Room" lesson.

Gavin is working with the Constructive 
Triangles to make equilateral triangles.

Johnny is transferring water with an eye dropper.

AJ is counting out quantities with a fun
math lesson.

Kalea is working on her continent map.

Amelia is practicing linear counting and skip counting
by 5's to 125.

Connor is filling in missing ending sounds
in phonetic words.

Carina is counting out quantities for 11-15.

Important Reminders:

  • Show and Tell will be on Thursday, April 14. The topic will be something that begins with /h/.
  • There is no school on Friday, April 15, and Monday, April 18, for Easter break.
  • Hope you can join us for the HCA Spring Benefit and Silent Auction on Saturday, April 30. Please see Happenings for more information.

Have a great weekend!