Friday, January 31, 2025

January 27-31, 2025

Do you want to build a snowman?

In art class this week, the Pre-K students made snowmen. They practiced their fine motor skills by coloring, cutting out all the pieces, and then gluing them together to build a snowman! This entire project showcases their individual skills and creativity. Whether the snowmen are standing tall or melting away, we love them all!

One of the many things I love about HCA community is the impromptu learning that takes place anytime and anywhere. Today as the Pre-K students were walking back to our classroom, they noticed the 8th grade girls were flying a drone in the STEAM lab. The girls stopped what they were doing to teach the Pre-K students how to fly the drone and even took their picture with the drone. The boys and girls were AMAZED!

Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for February:
  • Friday, February 7: something that begins with /h/
  • Friday, February 14: NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, February 21: something that begins with /j/
  • Friday, February 28: something that begins with /l/

Uniform Schedule for February 3-7:

Monday-Tuesday: gym uniforms
Wednesday-Thursday: regular uniforms
Friday: gym uniforms

Have a great weekend!