Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19, 2018

This week in the STEAM Lab we learned about engineering! First, the students watched a short video that taught them about engineering. They learned steps to take in the engineering process and to ask questions like: What is the problem? What can I use? When is it solved?

Mrs. Zwilling talked to the students about all the snow we have been experiencing. She used cotton balls to represent the snow. Then, she presented them with a task: to build something using the ZOOB pieces to help them move the snow. She told the groups that they had to follow 3 steps in the engineering process:

#1 - Talk about your plan and imagine what your project 
will look like.

#2 - Build your project together.

#3 - Test your project to see if it works!

This was a challenging project for the students. Working in small groups can be a difficult process for four and five year olds, but with some guidance, the students did an amazing job! It was exciting to see them brainstorm and work together as a team!

This week, we also focused on writing our names - like the Kindergartners do! Each child was given a handwriting worksheet with his/her name. We talked about how the first letter of their names should be a capital letter, and the rest should be lowercase letters. The students practiced holding their pencils with the pincer grasp, tracing their names, and then writing their names independently.

We even took some breaks to exercise our fingers when they got tired from all that writing!

The boys and girls LOVE learning new things in class each week and are so excited when they reach their goals. Some of their favorite things to do are the Montessori lessons and the Weekly Reader - and, of course, play with the toys!

"Mrs. Barrera, do you know what 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9
equals?" Kent solved it! It's 45!


We are excited for you to see your children in action next week for Parent Visitation Day on Tuesday, January 23! We are keeping with our normal Tuesday routine so you will be able to see what a typical day in Pre-K looks like.

  • HCA is collecting empty paper towel cardboard rolls for a service project. Please save them and send them into school throughout the month of January. Thanks in advance for your help!
  • Show and Tell on Wednesday, January 24, will be something that begins with "H."
  • February Scholastic Reading Club orders were sent home early. The due date will be Thursday, February 1. If you would like to order, please send in the order form with your child or place your order online at with code H7WXZ.
  • Please make sure your child wears sneakers to school everyday! If there is a need for boots in the morning, please pack sneakers for your child to change into.

Have a great weekend! Go, Eagles!