Friday, January 12, 2018

Welcome Back!

Welcome back!  It is great to finally be back in school and getting back to a routine again!

The students are slowly adjusting back to life at school. This week, we have spent some time reviewing our lessons from before Christmas break and making some arts and crafts projects to display in our classroom.

Kent completed the Long 10 Chain. He skip
counted by tens all the way to 1000!

Alexa made a pattern with the Knobless Cylinders
and built a tower - almost as big as she is!

Students made snowmen from the letters in
their names. They traced each letter in their
names and cut out all the pieces on their own.
We ordered the snowmen from smallest
to tallest to see who had the shortest (Kent)
and longest (Jonathan and Marianne) names. 

We are going to work a lot on writing our names correctly - capital letter first, followed by lowercase letters. A great resource to help with this at home is On this site, you can create personalized handwriting worksheets for your child. We will be using them in class as well.

Throughout the second semester in Pre-K, we will be focusing a lot on developing the children's independence and preparing them for Kindergarten. This will involve things from simple daily tasks to academic areas as well. For example, all year long, the children have been unpacking their things when they come in in the morning. Now, we are also asking them to pack their things at the end of the day (not always an easy task for a Pre-K student, especially after rest time!).

At this point in the year, the children should be able to put their coats on independently and we are working with them to zipper and button them as well.

Caleb is all ready to go home!

  • HCA is collecting empty paper towel cardboard rolls for a service project. Please save them and send them into school throughout the month of January. Thanks in advance for your help!
  • There is no school on Monday, January 15, due to the MLK, Jr. Day holiday.
  • The deadline to order from Scholastic this month has been extended to Tuesday, January, 16. If you would like to order, please send in the order form with your child or place your order online at with code H7WXZ.
  • Show and Tell for next Wednesday, January 17, will be something that begins with G.
  • Please make sure your child wears sneakers to school everyday!

#FlashbackFriday to our Scavenger Hunt with our fourth grade
buddies (and Mrs. Mossor) before Christmas break