This week in Pre-K, we talked about left and right. The students learned about their left and right hands and then took turns tracing each other's hands. They worked so well together! They were so patient and did a great job following directions.
Yesterday, we celebrated the Blessing of the Animals with Rev. Art Tung. Thank you to all the families who were able to join us! The boys and girls loved seeing all the animals!
During the prayer service
Meeting Mrs. Zwilling's bunny, Lily
Lily, her mom, and their dog, Leia
Marcus, his mom, and their dogs
Blaine and Kellan petting the Lewis'
turtle, Tank
There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, October 8.
We will have Show and Tell on Tuesday, October 9. The topic will be "something that starts with S."
Individual pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 10. The students may wear an outfit of your choice, but please make sure they still wear sneakers (they will not be seen in the picture). Please return your picture day envelope to school by Wednesday if your child is getting his/her picture taken.
Class pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 11.
Some EC community time is a great way to end a day!
Sometimes, at the end of work period, you just need some time to sing and dance with your friends!
This year, our Halloween Mission Party will be on Wednesday, October 31. Not only we will celebrate Halloween as a community, but we will also be supporting a very special mission. This year, we will be sending funds raised from the Mission Party to the Holy Child school and medical clinic in the Dominican Republic. This is an impoverished area where Holy Child sisters and volunteers are truly doing God's work. Here is a short video demonstrating the services they provide there.