Thursday, November 5, 2020

November 2-6, 2020

The Halloween Mission Party on Friday was so much fun! A huge thank you to the Parents' Association for all they did to make the day so special!

The Pre-K students looked great in their costumes!

Charlie as Aladdin

Lexi as a pumpkin

Anthony as a Power Ranger
Connor as Batman

Ava as Batgirl

Justine as a witch

Greyson as a fireman

Luke as Luke Skywalker

Even the EC teachers got in on the fun!

Our very own HCA rainbow 🌈

After the parade, we had a dance party and played freeze dance with our friends in Nursery 3!

Miss Webb even taught us a dance to Thriller!

As part of our mission outreach, we made Halloween pictures for the Homebound Ministry at St. Denis Parish.

We even made Halloween necklaces!

It was a wonderful day! Hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!

Some reminders:
  • Our next show and tell will be on Monday, November 9, and the topic will be something that begins with /c/. Please send in something that begins with the hard /c/ sound (like in car, cat, carrot, etc.) not the soft /c/ sound (like in Cinderella, circle, cent, etc.)
  • Order forms are due on Monday, November 9, for the HCA Linvilla Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser. Help support our school and help the EC students win a pajama day! More information can be found here.
  • Parents, please fill out Pick Up Patrol every morning, even if your child will not be attending school that day.
  • Tuesday, November 24, will be a 12:00 dismissal and there will be no HCA Plus.
  • School will closed for the Thanksgiving holiday from November 25-29. Classes will resume on Monday, November 30.
  • November is All Religions month at HCA. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division, or multiple groups either in person, via zoom, or through a pre- recorded clip, please email and we will make it as easy as possible. 
  • Looking forward, December is All Families month, and January is Native Heritage month. Please email if you have any ideas.

Look at all the fun we had in STEAM class!

After listening to Jack and the Beanstalk, students were challenged to build their own beanstalks using blocks and shaving cream. Then, the next challenge was to build a castle. The students' imagination shone brightly while building their creations.

Have a great weekend!