Friday, April 9, 2021

April 5-9, 2021

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a wonderful spring break and a Happy Easter!

The boys and girls were so excited to come back to school and play with all their friends!

The Pre-K students jumped right back into their lessons. They love wearing their new face shields while working. They have followed all the directions extremely well and I have already begun to see a difference in how they form their letter sounds!

We are working on writing our names like kindergartners! The boys and girls are practicing tracing and writing their first and last names starting with a capital letter and followed by lowercase letters. They are even working hard to form the letters correctly on the line. 

Important reminders:

  • We will have show and tell on Monday, April 12. The topic will be something to do with spring.

  • Please remember to return your family leaf that was sent home before the break. We are excited to display these in school!

  • April is Arab American Heritage Month. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division, or multiple groups to enhance our celebration in any way, please email, and we will make it as easy as possible. 

  • Looking forward, May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. If you have ideas or suggestions for our celebrations for those months, please email

Have a great weekend!