Friday, October 1, 2021

September 27 - October 1, 2021

 Show and Tell

We had our very first show and tell of the year on Monday! The Pre-K students were invited to bring in their favorite thing, share it with the class, and tell their classmates why they liked it. Everyone patiently waited their turns and they listened attentively to their friends as they shared their items. They cheered one another on as they spoke in front of the class and the friends who did not have a show and tell were supportive of their classmates. It was a great first experience for everyone!

Our next show and tell will be on Tuesday, October 5. I would like the children to bring in a family picture and be prepared to talk about the members of their immediate family as well as share something you like to do together. If you do not have a photo of your family, please feel free to have your child draw a picture.

Morning Sign-In

Each morning, the Pre-K students "sign-in" to class. Currently, they are practicing tracing their names using a dry erase marker. Next, we will move into tracing with a pencil. Then, the students will write their own names in a box and finally, we will work on writing our names on the line correctly. This daily practice helps them develop a good pincer grasp and good pencil control while learning to write their names correctly with one capital letter followed by lowercase letters.

Blessing of the Pets

Blessing of the Animals is on Monday at 8:15 am with Rev. Art Tung. Remember:
  • Pets will not be brought into the building. Family members should plan to take pets home after the blessing.
  • Masks must be worn at all times and observe social distancing. 
  • Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier, and we ask that you bring a plastic bag in case "nature calls." 
  • If a student does not have a pet or s/he cannot bring the pet to school, s/he can bring a picture of the pet or a stuffed animal.   
  • If the event cannot be held due to inclement weather, families will be notified via the AMG Alert text message system. We will not reschedule the event. 

Some Reminders

  • Photography day next Friday 10/8. A photographer will be here to take pictures of the students in action throughout the day.  All students should wear their regular uniform, even if they have gym.  
  • There is no school for students on Monday, October 11 due to a faculty in-service day.
  • EC Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on the evenings of October 20-21. A link to sign up will be sent home next week. All conferences will be held over Zoom.
  • On Friday, October 29, we will have our annual HCA Mission Party. More information will be sent home in the coming weeks. Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon on that day and there will be no HCA Plus.

Have a great weekend!