Nature Space Ribbon Cutting
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, family, and friends who were able to join us for the Nature Space Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday. It was a wonderful morning with our HCA community celebrating this wonderful addition to our early childhood program!
The Pre-K and Kindergarten students did a phenomenal job singing "What a Wonderful World" for our guests! We are so proud of them. A huge shout out to Mrs. Clay for preparing the children and to Ms. Brown for her accompaniment on the piano!
With the change in weather and even cooler days on the horizon, please send in a seasonal change of clothes for your child. We will return the summer clothes once we have them.
- Please label everything that comes to school! Now that many children are wearing sweaters/sweatshirts to school, they can easily get mixed up in the classroom or gym when students take them off.
- Pre-K and Kindergarten are hosting a Toys for Tots drive at HCA! Please send in an unwrapped toy now through December 6. Help us help those in need!
Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for the remainder of 2024:
- Friday, November 29 - no school
- Friday, December 6 - something that begins with /p/
- Friday, December 13 - something to do with Christmas
Uniform Schedule for Next Week:
Monday,11/25 - Tuesday, 11/26: regular uniforms