Halloween Mission Party Recap!
From the Halloween parade to all the wonderful games and activities, the children (and the teachers) had so much fun celebrating Halloween with their friends!
Thank you to all the teachers, staff, and parents who helped continue this special HCA tradition for the students!
Please have your child prepare three clues to help their classmates guess what object they chose to share. The show and tell topics for November are:
- Friday, November 15 - something that begins with /c/ (think of the hard /c/ sound like in carrot, not the soft /c/ sound as in Cinderella
- Friday, November 22 - something that begins with /r/
- Friday, November 29 - no school
Uniform Schedule for Next Week:
Tuesday-Wednesday: gym uniforms
Thursday-Friday: regular uniforms
Happy 5th birthday to Aubrie! We celebrated with all things mermaid - a mermaid story and an Under the Sea dance party complete with an Ariel bubble wand! |