Happy May!
We are having so much fun being outside - but our eyes are still getting used to seeing the sun again! |
This week, we learned about insects in our Weekly Reader. Did you know that insects need to have certain characteristics in order to be considered an insect? Pre-K students do! Insects have antennae, 6 legs, and a segmented body with 3 parts. We also learned about wings. Wings can help insects blend in. Wings can move fast and help insects fly. Wings can protect an insect. Wings can even chirp!
The boys and girls drew butterflies for a directed drawing activity. We discussed how butterflies are insects and that they are symmetrical. We learned about symmetry and then colored our butterflies so they would be symmetrical. Drawing symmetrically can be hard at this age, but coloring is something we definitely can do!
The students then had a chance to design wings for an insect and tell about what the wings can do.
The Pre-K students even worked on building a sentence about wings. They had to listen and follow directions to complete the worksheet correctly. They also were able to practice their fine motor skills by cutting, gluing, writing, and coloring. A great preparation for Kindergarten next year!
Mrs. DeBardino invited us to join her and our Kindergarten friends outside to share a story. She read The Big Tree by Bruce Hiscock. The boys and girls listened so well to the story and loved talking about the trees here at HCA. We even saw some things with wings while we were outside!
Have a great weekend!