Friday, October 16, 2020

October 12-16, 2020

 Make a New Friend Day!

Students at this age tend to play with the same friends all the time. This is especially true of a small class like ours this year. Yesterday, we had make a new friend day in Pre-K. The children chose a new friend to play with at recess time and then reported back what they did with their friend during snack. We will do this several times throughout the year. It is a great way for the children to learn to make new friends, while still keeping their old friends.

Luke and Anthony are working on their balance skills.

Ava and Greyson are just hanging around.

Charlie and Justine are swinging from the monkey bars.

Connor and Lexi are ready to go!


At our Morning Meeting this week, we learned about measurement. The children activated their prior knowledge by talking about getting measured at the doctor's to see how tall they are. We used unifix cubes to measure some materials in our classroom.

Justine measured a cup - 6 cubes tall!

Connor and Luke measure the table - 34 cubes wide!

Charlie and Ava measured a pencil box - 10 cubes long!

Lexi measured her shoe - 8 cubes long!

Then, we wrote and drew about our measurements in our journals.

Great writing, Anthony!

Way to go, Greyson!

We even measured Mrs. Barrera - she is 94 cubes tall!

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be sent home next week. Please remember to sign up for a parent/teacher conference here. If none of those times work for you, please let me know!


  • Please send in a fall change of clothes for your child. I will return the original set once the new clothes come in.
  • Show and tell will be on Tuesday, October 20 and the topic will be something that begins with the /t/ sound.
  • Scholastic Book Club orders are due on Tuesday, October 20. You may order online at using our class code H7WXZ or by completing the paper form with a check made payable to "Scholastic."
  • There will be no school for the students on Friday, October 23, due to conferences and a faculty inservice.
  • We will be celebrating Halloween at our Halloween Mission Party on Friday, October 30. Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon that day and there will be no HCA Plus. More information will be coming home soon!
  • During the month of November, we will be celebrating religious diversity at HCA. If you or someone you know would like to share with a class, a division, or the whole school, please email Julie Myers ( 

Follow us on Instagram @hcadrexelhillec!