All month long, we have been busy decorating our classroom for autumn and Halloween! Check out what the amazing Pre-K artists have created!
The boys and girls were challenged to create their own monster using a variety of shapes. |
"Pre-K is unbe"leaf"able!" Look at us playing in the leaves! |
Watch us dance like leaves!
Directed Drawing
We completed our first directed drawing activity. Directed drawings are ways for students to create their own artwork by following step-by-step instructions. They help to strengthen students' confidence and listening skills while encouraging students to pay close attention to details. Look at our Franken-Buddies for Halloween! We have some amazing artists in Pre-K!
We also learned a new game this week - roll and cover. Each child has a game board showing various ways to represent different quantities. They roll the dice and have to match the quantity on the dice to the quantity on the board. It is a great way to practice number quantities and one-to-one correspondence and the boys and girls LOVE it!
Some reminders:
- Please pack two napkins for snack and lunch everyday!
- In order to promote better air flow in the classrooms, we will have the windows open whenever possible. It does get warm in the classroom so I suggest sending your child to school in layers. Please put your child's name in any sweatshirts or jackets that come to school.
- Show and tell will be on Thursday, October 29. The topic will be something that to do with Halloween or Autumn.
- Next Friday, October 30, is the annual HCA Mission Party! While things will look very different this year, we are still excited for a fun-filled day! Students may come to school dressed in costume or, if you prefer, they may wear orange and black. Please make sure they wear sneakers! Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon and there will be no HCA Plus.
- Follow us on Instagram @hcadrexelhilec!